UK Delivery Charges

  • Book £5
  • T-shirts, DVDs, CDs  £2.50
  • Photos  £1

International Delivery Charges

  • Book  £15
  • T-shirts, DVDs, CDs   £6
  • Photos £2.50

How is Shipping Calculated?

Shipping is charged as a flat rate per order.

The total delivery cost which applies to your order will be calculated according to the cost of shipping for the single most expensive item in your order.

Please see the examples below.

Shipping Examples

1Example of how UK delivery is charged

A UK customer orders a book and a photo. The total shipping charge will be £5, i.e. the cost of shipping the book.

A UK customer orders a photo and a t-shirt. The total shipping charge will be £2.50, i.e. the cost of shipping the t-shirt.

2Example of how international delivery is charged

A US customer orders a photo and a t-shirt. The total shipping charge will be £6, i.e. the cost of shipping the t-shirt.

A Canadian customer orders a book and a t-shirt. The total shipping charge will be £15, i.e. the cost of shipping the book.